
Houseplants not only enhance the ambiance of your home – they also benefit your health. They purify and add oxygen to the air, allowing your family to breathe better. Plants also lower stress levels, prepare you for bedtime and battle depression. By choosing the correct plant for your home, you can improve your mood and health.

Purify The Air

Certain plants add oxygen to the air to produce a healthier environment. They also filter the air, absorbing harmful benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene.

Try using English ivy to absorb formaldehyde, an ingredient found in household cleansers. This plant also removes benzene, a chemical in office supplies.

Keep a spider plant to fight benzene carbon monoxide. The leaves also absorb allergens in the air, helping with seasonal allergies. Spider plants are low maintenance and safe to keep with pets in the house.

Also, try a lady palm plant. This tree-like plant will absorb ammonia, a dangerous ingredient found in many cleaners and dyes.

Consider introducing a Boston fern to your home. This popular plant will fight formaldehyde and add moisture to the air, helping with dry skin in the winter

Reduce Stress

Interior plants have been proven to reduce stress levels and lower blood pressure. This is one reason why studies show plants are beneficial for hospital patients.

Try French lavender plants for natural aromatherapy in your home. If you want to incorporate lavender inside the house, be sure to place it in a pot with proper drainage and give it plenty of sunlight. Consider placing the purple plant somewhere near your bedroom, as the aroma is proven to aid sleeping and lower your heart rate.

Also, try using peace lilies, an appropriate name for this calming flower. These non-toxic plants are safe for children and pets and easy to maintain.

Fight Depression

Flowers have been proven to beat the blues and aid chronic illnesses. They symbolize life and happiness, providing a mood boost when you need it the most.

Try a vase of roses to refresh your mind and add color to your home. The smell of roses will leave your body feeling invigorated and inspired, helping fight depression and anxiety.

Also, consider growing orchids. These colorful plants will perk up your mood and add a bright color to your home. Orchids are low maintenance plants, but they require extra sunlight when kept indoors.

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