
On April 22, the 45th anniversary of Earth Day will inspire awareness and appreciation of the world’s environment. You can go green by creating a garden that is eco-friendly. Follow these simple steps to make your yard more sustainable.

Be Water Wise

Most novice gardeners worry about the amount of water their flowers need. But the best way to care for your plants is knowing when and how to water.

When to Water

One eco-friendly way to ensure your garden is watered is to monitor the weather. Never water your plants if there is a high chance of rainfall. If you can, water in the morning so the water has time to seep into the ground and the leaves won’t stay too wet. Most importantly, don’t overwater your plants. Flowers are mostly composed of water, and too much liquid can harm their growth.

How to Water

Drip systems are an effective way to water your plants. You can use a sprinkler system, but it’s less efficient. If you choose to use a sprinkler, set a timer to schedule routine watering. Remember to water the root of the plant — not the leaves.

Don’t Wait to Root

One way to make your garden eco-friendly is to plan early in the season. This way you won’t need to water your plants during the cooler weather. When you’re planting the garden use plenty of mulch. This slows the water’s evaporation into the soil.

Only Use Organic

Avoid using chemical-based products in your garden. If your budget is not conducive to using all organic seeds and supplies, then make a few eco-friendly switches. Instead of a harsh product, try using vinegar to kill small weeds. Replacing chemical-based products with natural ingredients will help the environment and your budget.

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