
There are many ways to lower your monthly utility bills, but you may not be aware of them. Making simple adjustments around the house can help save money on your monthly utility bills. Invitation Homes provides three ways to save money on utilities:

Adjust your thermostat

  • Turn down the heat in winter and AC in summer. Depending on the climate of where you live, you can set the thermostat warmer or cooler in the day and night to reduce the energy needed to cool your house. Set the AC to 85 degrees while you’re gone during the day and to 78 degrees when you’re at home. For the most savings, winter temperature settings should be around 68 degrees while you’re home and 58 degrees or less while you’re away or sleeping.

  • Also, remember to adjust the thermostat when you are traveling on vacations or gone for the weekend because the house doesn’t need to stay as cool or warm.

  • Change or clean filters regularly.

Lights & Appliances

  • Turn off lights when not in use and ceiling fans when you’re not home. According to Florida Power & Light, just one ceiling fan running constantly will add an extra $7 a month to your electric bill. However, making proper use of a ceiling fan can save money too. When the outside temperature is hot, run the ceiling fan counter-clockwise to push hot air up and out. Run the fans clockwise when it’s cold outside to push heat down.

  • Turn off electronics that go into “standby” mode. These include computers and printers, as they are still drawing electricity in standby mode.

  • Use dryer balls, which actually help dry clothes faster. They fluff your clothes while they tumble and soak up some of the moisture. Also, using your dryer less will save money.

  • Don’t leave power cords for cell phones plugged into the wall. They’re known as a vampire because they’re often drawing power, even when your device isn’t connected.

Water Usage and Temperature

  • Adjust your washer to the lowest water setting and wash clothes in cold water. This requires less energy to heat up and saves you money. Try washing some, if not all, of your loads in cold water.

  • Turning down the temperature on your hot water heater can make a significant difference as well. If your water isn’t being heated over 120 degrees, you are saving money. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, reducing your temperature from 140 degrees to 120 degrees will save at least $2 a month.

  • Choose air dry on your dishwasher cycle.

  • Don’t let the water run while brushing your teeth or washing dishes by hand.

  • Run the dishwasher and washing machine at night when energy costs are cheaper. Utility companies will charge more for energy that’s being used during peak times.

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