
Pool safety

Your safety comes first, and it’s important to follow certain rules to keep the swimming pool a safe, fun space. Please note that your swimming pool and/or hot tub is to be used at your own risk. Keep the following safety tips in mind:
What are basic pool-side safety instructions?
  • Walk, don’t run, when on the pool deck or surrounding patio areas to avoid falling and injury.

  • Use sunscreen of at least 30 SPF to avoid skin damage and burns.

  • Know the water depth before using the pool or jumping into the water. Do not dive into the pool.

  • Use a life jacket for anyone unable to swim confidently.

Find out more about your pool service.

Do I need to keep access gates closed?

Yes, all access points to the swimming pool should remain closed at all times. This is for the safety of everyone (especially children) who  may be at an increased risk for pool-related accidents. Find out more about your pool service.

Does the pool need to be supervised while in use?

Yes, if anyone under the age of 14 is in or near the water, an adult should be present for active supervision. Find out more about your pool service.

Should I know CPR?

We highly advise that at least 1 person present, while the pool is in use, be familiar with CPR. Find out more about your pool service.

What is the additional pool safety equipment for?

Additional pool safety equipment, such as fences, gates, locks, alarms and drain covers, are provided for your safety. Please do not tamper with, modify or disable any of these items, and only use lifesaving equipment in case of emergency. Find out more about your pool service.

Should I stay away from the drains?

Yes, every person on the property should stay away from the drains at all times. Find out more about your pool service.

Who should I call in case of an emergency?

If you have any kind of emergency, please dial 911 and request help from your local authorities. Find out more about your pool service.

Do guests and other members of my family need to know pool safety rules?

Yes, if your pool is being used by anyone, whether they be friends, family, or children, they should know the basic pool safety rules. Find out more about your pool service.

What are the hot tub safety instructions?
  • Hot tubs should not be heated above 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • Check the temperature before entering the water.

  • Pregnant women and young children should not use the hot tub.

  • Consult a physician before using the hot tub if you have a history of heart disease, circulatory problems, diabetes, or blood pressure problems.

Find out more about your pool service.

Pool safety equipment

Your pool might be equipped with one or more safety items and fixtures, such as fences, gates, locks, alarms, drain covers, and lifesaving equipment. Please follow these guidelines to ensure everyone’s safety and proper pool condition:
What if my pool does not have a fence or enclosed backyard?

Immediately contact your local Invitation Homes team and we will address the issue. All pools must be enclosed by a secondary fence or backyard perimeter fence. Fences and gates need to remain closed at all times. They should not be propped open, nor should anything be leaned against them that may allow anyone to climb over. Find out more about your pool service.

Am I responsible for my pool door alarm?

Yes, if you have an alarm, make sure it is working properly. If it’s not working, replace the batteries. If the alarm does not work after replacing batteries, please submit a service request through the maintenance portal. Find out more about your pool service.

Should drains and drain covers be left alone?

Yes, please stay clear of drains and drain covers to ensure the pool maintains the proper water level. Find out more about your pool service.